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BBA Sandwich - On A, port 3 to B
CEL Line mount - Through port with gauge port
ZTY Line mount - Nipple mount
GBO Sandwich - Into P or out of T
XVI Line mount - Inline, cross pilot
E2I Line mount - Ninety degree with reverse flow check - reducing
EBP Sandwich - On P, port 3 to T
EBA Sandwich - On A or B, port 3 to opposite side
YEJ Line mount - Cross pilot
GBY Sandwich - Flow into workports A and B or out of A and B
ECH Line mount - Ninety degree
GBS Sandwich - A to B or B to A
JCI Line mount - Ninety degree
BBP Sandwich - On P, port 3 to T
BBY Sandwich - On A and B with cross pilot
DBY Sandwich - Flow into workports A and B or out of A and B
DBA Sandwich - Flow into workport B or out of A
BSK Subplate - On P, port 3 to T, side ports
ECA Line mount - Ninety degree